About Us

Thalent SA was founded in 2001 by 3 electrical engineers including Pierre Strübin who is currently chairman of the board. At that time Pierre Strübin had experienced colleagues who had been let go following restructuring of companies. However his colleagues were very much appreciated by their customers who agreed to give them mandates. That’s how the idea came about to set up a company to serve these customers.
Nowadays Thalent SA offers its services to:
- – Multinational and SMEs
- – Federal, cantonal and communal administration
- – Governmental and non governmental organisations
- – Not for profit organisations
We are doing business in Switzerland and abroad (EU countries, US and Canada).
In contrary to many fiduciaries we have a formal authorization from the government to act as a consultant hosting company.
Our Team
Michael Bender
Managing Partner
Wanda Swetzer Bender
Managing Partner
Pierre Strübin
Chairman & Co-Founder
Kamil Fetouni
Marketing & Digital Manager
Andoena Idrizi
HR Manager
Prescillia Maton
HR Manager

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